Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Finding the time....

Yes I know, I am absolutely awful about blogging. Finding time to sit down in front of the computer doesn't come around much anymore. Things are definitely getting better, a little more normal organized less overwhelming... at a loss for what to call it. As I have said before it isn't what most people would call normal but to me it is my new normal and I love it.

We are getting into a routine. We have been blessed to have amazing insurance with Jeremy's new job. We are able to have a home health nurse during the days now. It is a life saver. I didn't realize how incredibly stressed I was. She has helped me out more than she will ever understand. It has helped relieve my stress level tremendously. Since we are now a single income family, Jeremy can't take off for every appointment. I can't say enough how much it means just to have someone to go with me to the multiple appointments every week. Another set of ears to be there to help intake all the information, the tips, the therapies, the instructions, the list could go on and on. To give me a break from the constant feeding routine of attempt a bottle, put it through the g-tube, clean the bag, wait an hour and start over. Pretty sure Dylan likes having her around too! Me and him are able to get out, just the two of us.

Speaking of that good-looking little boy... he is getting sooo big. He is now almost 28 months. He is talking up a storm. I refer to him as my "wild one". :) If you spend more than 30 minutes in our presence, you will understand. He is full of energy and personality. That can be a good and bad thing for a two year old. He is fearless. Extremely strong willed. His vocabulary is incredible for his age. He can finally say motorcycle, I already miss him calling them "knuckles". I love it when he looks at me with those big brown serious eyes and spurts off "I will be right back" while running off to do something 'important'. His favorite toys are cars and trucks right now. I love watching him sit and play by himself. He no longer calls Brooklyn, Brooker, but now refers to her as Sissy. They love each other. It melts my heart to see her light up when he is near. She still laughs when he cries, which cracks me up. I think she got her Mimi's personality. ;) Just joking Mom.

She is the absolute happiest baby. I love, love, love her smile. I can not believe that in less than two months Brooklyn is going to be one!! This year has flown by. Two weeks ago she had her surgery to fix her tethered spinal cord. The surgery went great. I was a nervous mess leading up to it and after, but she pulled through with flying colors. This picture was taken the day after surgery. It was the first time she had smiled since coming out of surgery and it was the absolute best cure for a tired momma.

You would never know today that she just had surgery. She is so strong. Such a little thing but a fighter and does it with a smile (unless you are making her do therapy, leaving that to another post).

She has met so many milestones just in the past month, even with having surgery. She rolled over to her tummy three days after having surgery. She is bearing weight on her arms (this is huge :). Her eyesight is improving leaps and bounds every day. We went today to meet with a new ophthalmologist. She has recommended patching Brooklyn's right eye 1 hour daily for the next 4 months. This should help make Brooklyn, work her left eye more. She could tell from her exam Brooklyn will have to have glasses but that will come later. I will post some pictures of our little pirate in the next few days. :)

Break - bottle time

Okay with that break, I have lost my train of thought. I better call it a night. Brooklyn has OT at 8:30 in the morning and a nutritionist visit at 9:30.

Love to all~


  1. Girl, you are AMAZING! Brooklyn and Dylan are super lucky to have you as their mom!!! They are both soooo precious. :)

  2. Wow what a beautiful family! God sure knew what He was doing when he picked YOU to be the mother of Dylan and Brooklyn! His design is sooooo perfect!!!!
